An overview of PLD's best selling courses
Step-by-step methodology for teaching evidence-based Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP)
Implementing SSP in the Early Years
Kindergarten (WA, QLD, SA, TAS) and Preschool (ACT, NT, NSW, VIC)

Implementing SSP in Foundation
Pre-Primary (WA) Kindgergarten (NSW, ACT) Preparatory (QLD, VIC, TAS) Reception (SA) Transition (NT)

Implementing SSP in Year 1 & 2
For students in Year 1 & 2

Implementing SSP in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
For students in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6


Diana Rigg
Founder of PLD Literacy and Learning
[email protected]
Caitlin Brandt
Schools Manager
[email protected]
Paula McBain
School Support Coodinator
[email protected]All PLD Literacy Online Learning Courses
Teaching the Alphabet
In a manner that supports reading, spelling and writing
(9) 5.0 average rating -
School Leaders – How to implement PLD successfully
Equipping School Leaders with the tools for Literacy success
Implementing SSP in Foundation
Developing the Skills for Success
(27) 4.9 average rating -
Implementing SSP in the Early Years
Developing the skills for success
(22) 4.9 average rating -
Implementing SSP in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
Catering for the range within middle and upper primary classrooms
(27) 4.9 average rating -
Implementing SSP in Year 1 & 2
Catering for the range in ability
(27) 4.9 average rating -
Pre-CVC and Early Stage 1 Skills
Targeting the Foundations for Early Literacy
(9) 4.9 average rating -
Raising Writing Standards
Through the medium of dictation.
(9) 5.0 average rating
“This course was super helpful. I am a teaching Foundation for the first time and didn't feel well equipped with teaching my students how to read and write. This course covers so many strategies, learning sequences and activity examples. Highly recommend this course for all Foundation and Junior teachers. ”

“Well-paced informative PD. Has given me some clear strategies to use in the classroom. Fits in well with Visible Learning and Effective Feedback. Highly recommend it:)))) ”

“The course was easy to understand, lot's of examples and I especially loved that along with the video, you had the option to print up lecture notes. Diana is very descriptive and easy to listen to. This course has really enhanced my teaching methods. ”

“As an Early Childhood Educator having studied a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care, I was not exposed to teaching Pre- literacy during my studies. However, once I entered the industry I realised how important it was that I educate myself and develop my knowledge in this area. I wanted to develop my skills and knowledge about pre-literacy, and have a greater understanding of what Synesthetic phonics, Phonological Awareness and Phonemic Awareness. This course was easy to follow; it was delivered in a very clear and broken down manner. I feel confident that I can develop a Pre-literacy program and also the skills to detect children that maybe at risk of needing extra help and time to develop there confident and pre-literacy skills . I would highly recommend this course .”

“Hello, My name is Francesca and I have just completed the online PD. The information presented to clear, well sequenced and demonstrated in a way that can be easily applied to my classroom. Your approach 'teach less but better' I think is absolutely wonderful! and I am keen to apply my learning to not only spelling but all other areas of the curriculum. Francesca”

“I did this online Seminar in one day as I was so excited. I had completed the Phonic Sequence Placement test on a little year 4 girl who's mum had begged me to do some coaching 2 days before I began the seminar. We knew she had some gaps and needed to find where? After marking the assessment I now know she has missed all the stage 3 spelling patterns. I can't wait to start re-teaching what she has missed using these resources and activities. The Monday after completing the course I administered the test on my year 1s and started teaching them the very next day how to write the sounds with 2 colours. WOW this strategy really worked with my struggling year 1s. It is my new favourite thing to do for spelling. ”

“This PD provides time effective tasks for assessment and monitoring progress. In addition, it shows clear, practical and easily implemented strategies that teachers can to take to manage students either learning to read and write or presenting with difficulties with literacy. It is based on current theory and assessment tasks and strategies demonstrated are suitable for all students in all classrooms, regardless of the synthetic phonics program they are using at their school. ”

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